These North York Moors, rich in plant and bird life, are never ending, surprisingly green and colorful, even though the heather isn't in bloom. Sheep, grouse butts (for hunters), and cairns dot the moors.
As we turned up the path to the Inn, a gentleman inquired if we were Coast to Coasters, eager to know about the walk, as he and his wife had hiked a bit in the Lake District. That was enough for us. With tongue in cheek, we replied, "Oh,you'll have no problem at all."
We walked today with Jason and Nicola, enjoying their company. The previous evening at dinner, they assured us even we would arrive here, at The Lion Inn, one of the fourth highest inns in Britain, at noon. We laughed, guessing more like 3:00. Well, the laugh is on us! A mere 9 miles in 3 hours. Piece of cake. We don't know what to do with our free time! What a nice problem.